It’s Swarming Bees – Don’t Panic
Swarms are Natural Swarming is a natural process that bees use to create new colonies but if you are not a fan of them and need help with bee swarm removal, please see the links below. When a colony outgrows its space, the queen bee will lay eggs in special cells that will develop into […]
Spring Gardening in the Mid-Willamette Valley
Spring Gardening Tips Spring is a wonderful time of year for gardeners as it marks the beginning of the planting season. As the snow melts away and the weather warms up, gardeners eagerly start preparing their soil for the upcoming season. One of the key factors in successful gardening is having healthy soil. Healthy soil […]
Emerald (Mid-Willamette) Valley Events Weekend of 4/19/2023
Events and happenings in Corvallis, OR, Albany, OR over to Sweet Home, OR and down into Eugene, OR. Sign-up to get notifications about events weekly.