The weekend of June 23-25
You may have heard that the delta variant of the Covid virus is upon us. I wanted to provide some statistics for the three counties we focus on here in the Mid-Willamette Valley. These stats are the posted numbers from the week of July 18, 2021. Benton county had 39 positive tests at a rate of 4.8% positivity of tests performed. Linn County had 153 with a rate of 7.4%. Marion County had 218 with a rate of 5.0%. Overall the epi-curve is trending upward for what they are calling a fifth wave. It does appear that this bump in positivity already leveled, but it’s difficult to determine if it has reached it’s peak, just yet. Vaccination rates for those over 18 years old for these counties are as follows Benton is 75.8%, Linn is 56.8% and Marion is 63.2%. I provide these statistics so everyone can make their own decisions for safety. If traffic conditions around the area are any indicator, many people are out and about.
I hope everyone enjoyed the County Fairs the past month! Benton County fair should have taken place this August, but has been canceled for a second year due to Covid. 2022 is planned to resume as usual. Benton is working with 4H programs in the area to continue to provide the in-person animal displays this year. If you would like to attend this event in August see the attached information below.
Balloons over Bend is this weekend
July 24th
Job Fair at the Oregon State Fair – 9AM
Tickets for Oregon Jamboree – July 30-Aug1 Sweet Home, OR
Benton County Fair (modified 4H show) August 7th
Northwest Art&Air Festival: Albany August 27-29
Summer Sounds : Albany Mondays 7PM (different locations)
Albany Rhythms Starts July 22nd
Oregon State Fair – Salem Aug 27- Sept 6
C2C Trail – Corvallis to the Sea Trail 50 years in the making opened May 18th